Viewing and Editing Registrations

After somone has registered, users with sufficient rights can view and edit their registration.

First, run a Registration Detail Report. From the results in the table, click on one of the "Reg ID" links to view an individual registration. "Reg ID" is short for Registration ID.

The screen that appears shows you the confirmation information for a registration. In addition, on the bottom of the screen, a Change Log appears if the record has been edited by another user.

To edit the record, click on the pencil icon to the right of the page title. You are taken to the registration form with all the information filled in for the registrant. Make your changes and then click 'Update'. You will return to the show registration page again and you will see your change reflected in the Change Log.

Change Log

The change log shows the date of the change and the user responsible. It also shows a Total Adjustment. For paid events, this will calculate the difference between the original registration total and the current total. This allows you to charge the registrant an additional fee or credit them.

Canceling Registrations

You may also cancel registrations from a given registration page. Click the "Cancel" registration button at the top and the number of attendees as well as amount purchased will be set to zero. It will also record an entry in the change log with a total adjustment for the full amount purchased.
